Support us
There are various ways to support our association.
Bank transfer
If you would like to make a donation to the Omoana association, simply transfer the amount by bank order to the account :
To :
Case Postale 250, 1211 Genève 8
25 01 152.935-04
Banque cantonale de Fribourg
Boulevard de Pérolles 1, 1704 Fribourg
Clearing 76823
Iban: CH45 0076 8250 1152 9350 4
Payment by Twint (Switzerland only)
You can also scan the QR-code directly to make a Twint payment. However, please use a bank transfer if possible to avoid the commission charged by Twint.
Thank you in advance!
Omoana is a registered charity. At the end of each year, we will send you a donation certificate, the amount of which is tax-deductible.
On request, we will be happy to send you a payment slip.
To find out about the measures in place to ensure that your contribution is used efficiently and transparently, please visit the Transparency page.
Would you like to help or give in a different way? There are other solutions available to you!
Organise a fund-raising event
There are no small actions. Everyone can get involved according to their time and means.
Legacies and inheritance
You can prepare for your departure by contributing to the development of young people. It’s a great way to pass on your legacy to future generations.
Corporate and foundation partnerships
Among our partners, companies and foundations play a key role. The financial and technical support they provide is vital to Omoana.